World Truths |
Danger: Mind
Controllers At Work!
So you think you voted
for George Bush or Tony Blair or John Howard
on their 'merits'?
Think again. Media mind control techniques have
now reached a new
standard of excellence in the west. Out go
old-fashioned baseball
bats and heavy drugs, replaced by
'low light images', and
a new 'color coded language'
fired straight down
your unsuspecting optic nerve.
One - Copyright Joe Vialls, 15 May 2005
Just about everybody knows, or has heard of, a person who claims to have been 'mind controlled' at some point in the past or present. Generally the alleged victim will claim that the CIA/FBI/BATF or other dastardly organization planted one or more radio receivers in his or her head, thereby allowing sadistic government agents to speak directly and always abusively to the trembling victim. Apparently, no victim ever receives a helpful news or weather broadcast on this secure channel, with the 'implanted receiver(s)' reserved strictly for sniggering personal abuse, and detailed instructions on how to kill the American President, or perhaps on how to sabotage the whole of Russia and Central Asia with a single box of standard issue hand grenades.
It is impossible to know whether these poor deluded folk
really believe they can hear loud abusive voices in their heads, or
whether they and their delusions are deliberately and cynically used by
government, to deflect away from very real illegal and immoral mind
control techniques, which are currently fully operational, and used
against approximately 65% of all English-speaking residents in the
western world.
This is supposed to be top secret of course, so nowadays if
you dare utter the words "mind control" in a public place, chances are
you'll swiftly wind up incarcerated in a secure psychiatric institution,
while an insane wide-eyed government shrink frantically pumps hypos full
of thorazine into your veins.
Yes, of course the deranged 'One World Government'
controllers on Wall Street wish to manipulate your thoughts and
reasoning, but are dead against you discovering that your thoughts and
reasoning are not always your own. A major clue on this objective was
provided by Zbigniew Brzezinski, then National Security Advisor to Jimmy
"In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be
towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of
uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and
attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest
communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason."
Brzezinski had no intention of 'implanting' radio receivers
inside the heads of American citizens, because, thankfully, he knew
there was absolutely no need to do so. Can you imagine ayone in America,
Australia, or Britain meekly submitting to such a bizarre procedure?
"Oh sure, Doc, that sounds great! Can you fit them to my wife and kids
as well?"
The fledgling 'One World Government' already knew that most
citizens were hooked on simple television, and simply instructed its
propaganda arm called "Hollywood" to get on with the mind control side
of things. In virtually no time at all, these doyens of thought reform
were flashing subliminal messages at 1/25th second exposures in cinemas
and on television.
Though 1/25th second is much too fast for your conscious
brain to register, your subconscious sees it very well, meaning that the
Hollywood thought reform message completely bypasses your normal
conscious content filtering system. So, for example, your conscious
perception tells you that George W. Bush is an incompetent idiot, but
your subverted Hollywood subconscious undermines this harsh reality,
with a subliminally-induced fuzzy and lovable George that you feel
'compelled' to vote for.
Initially this work was done with the assistance of a
"tachistoscope", a machine which times the insertion and duration of
each subliminal frame, but the crude tachistoscope has one major
drawback. Anyone able to gain access to the film or television tapes and
play then back at slow speed, would immediately see the inserted
subliminal frames as individual entities, and be able to study their
subliminal content at leisure.
This actually happened, and there was very nearly hell to
pay, but in the end the matter was settled with hard cash and a handful
of meaningless laws. For a large consideration and a new Mercedes
convertible, the aggrieved scientist who discovered the technique by
accident, agreed to a cover story that the tachistoscope was only used
for one experimental film run, involving subliminal prompts to buy Coke
and popcorn, but was not terrible successful. The Mercedes convertible
was involved in a high speed accident and fireball just two months
later. There were no survivors.
At the public level, this was the official end of the story, with
Congress banning 'subliminal advertising' for good measure. You the
public were protected from these horrors, or so you thought, while
Hollywood frantically worked on improvements and alternate methods of
controlling your thoughts and reasoning through the essentially benign
television box. It was by now the early ninteen seventies, and the
'One World Government' fully intended to have you firmly under
subliminal television control in less than a decade.
Covert development proceeded along two parallel but
independent tracks, with the first focusing on blending 'low light
images' into an existing film or commercial. This was fast, and it was
also a master stroke in its own right. The 'low light' system was
ready for trials in less than six months, and the effects were
Essentially, while the conscious mind was viewing and
inwardly digesting the main film or commercial content, the
subconscious mind was picking up the low light subliminal messages,
which fell just below the threshold of normal vision. Where the older
tachistoscope was jerky and only partly efficient, the new 'low light'
system proved to be a control revolution. The low light images were a
complete 'film within a film' running at normal speed, and thus able
to "properly educate" those citizens not entirely in accord with One
World Government views.
The critical test was whether or not the 'low light'
technique could be uncovered if a copy of the film fell into the wrong
hands. Exhaustive trials proved that it could not. Despite the most
sophisticated ultraviolet analysis known to man, the embedded low
light images could not be detected at all, because they were comprised
of exactly the same color spectrum as the film itself. So, low light
was dramatically effective, relatively cheap to engineer, and easy to
transport and use without fear of security breaches.
This low light system is still in use today, and is still
dramatically effective, though you need a very highly placed friend in
Hollywood if you want the system to benefit your personal political
aspirations. One recent applicant was Australian Prime Minister John
Howard ("President Winston" to his friends), who felt that his slavish
obedience in sending Australian troops to die for America in
Afghanistan and Iraq, had earned him the absolute right to be
re-elected to office unopposed.
Hollywood and Wall Street agreed, and Australian citizens
were then bombarded with thousands of custom low light subliminals of
"President Winston" the "Great Leader", when most Australians knew
very well at the conscious level that the man is an an arrogant
pompous fool, and a traitor under Australian Federal Law.
The price for electronically fixing the election was high,
but a price that President Winston was quite prepared to pay in order
to retain his 'fame' and 'popularity' induced by the covert Hollywood
low light images. Precisely when ordered to do so, Prime Minister John
Winston Howard paid Hollywood for his false subliminal election
victory, by sending more troops into Iraq to face a vastly superior
Republican Guard.
Before radio telephony was invented, electronic communication was
restricted to Morse Code, where a unique set of dots and dashes
represented each letter in the alphabet. Though to an outsider Morse
Code seemed and still seems clumsy, it is really very easy when you
get used to it. Like any language, practice makes perfect, and
expert signallers read morse so fast that they are able to
simultaneously write down the English translation. So, while you as
a layman will only hear disjointed dots and dashes, the signaller is
hearing "Hi Fred, have you got those new coordinates for me?" in
real time.
The equivalent at sea (especially when radio silence had
to be maintained) is visual morse code, normally transmitted
ship-to-ship with a signal lamp, or exceptionally with flags, where
each flag represents a different letter. Alternatively in
'semaphore', the position of the flags represents a different
letter. However, the Morse signal lamp is the norm, meaning that in
the military we have thousands of highly trained men and women who
use their audio and visual skills for real time meaningful
communication, but without actually using words as the term 'word'
is understood by the general public.
The critical point to remember about Morse Code and the signallers
who use it, is that after a period of learning and conditioning, a
string of verbal words and complete concepts are manufactured purely
by pulsed electrical input, be that input audio or visual. Nor
should we forget the morse signal flags used less frequently by the
navy and scouts in the field. In this case, the human brain is
simultaneously decoding signals sent in a series of perplexing mixed
colors, which are apparently meaningless until you are trained to
understand them.
Hollywood was enchanted by the myriad possibilities for
controlling public thought and reasoning, and set about devising a
top secret program designed to link specific colors to specific
tones or words or concepts. For example, in the rather cynical 1977
Spielberg film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", a simple
earthling with a synthesizer, sets about teaching an alien spaceship
how to communicate with him, by matching synthesizer tones to the
flashing colors on the spaceship itself.
By the time Spielberg made this film in 1977, Hollywood
had already been practicing on real live human audiences for four
years. Hence my use of the word 'cynical', because Spielberg was a
significant mover and shaker behind the covert Hollywood control
As the years rolled by, an entire new visual language
was built up, made even more powerful nowadays by precise digital
television transmissions, which provide a wider range of hexidecimal
colors for coded use. The problem, of course, is that like the old
Enigma Code of WWII vintage, only those with the key know what they
are sending, and only they know what impact the specific message
will have on the viewing public.
If you want a strong clue to the content, consider the words of insider Zbigniew Brzezinski once again: "In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities effectively exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason."
Now then, ladies and gentlemen, would you say that
George W. Bush, Tony Blair and John Howard (Australia) are naturally
endowed with "magnetic and attractive personalities", to the point
where they can easily exploit the, "latest communications techniques
to manipulate emotions and control reason"? Of course not, for all
three men are repulsive and unattractive, and about as close as it
is possible to get to borderline mental retardation.
Where Brzezinski and Spielberg have won, and you have
lost, lies in their ability to control your thoughts and reasoning
with color coded language, to the point where you believe that
grey-haired political weaklings are "magnetic and attractive
personalities". Nowadays if Hollywood tells you that black is white,
you'd better believe it, or else. For as long as you watch
Hollywood's films and television, their power over you will be
continually reinforced, and you will dutifully send son after son
and daughter after daughter to die in far off lands on behalf of
Wall Street.
You can actually break the cycle and return to your own
thoughs and reason, by the simple expedient of destroying your
television set, VCR and DVD, but I'm betting you won't be prepared
to make that sacrifice in order to save your children.
Unsurprisingly perhaps, Hollywood is betting you won't do so either.
As stated earlier, government-selected 'patsies' have
rather more than subliminal color coding thrown at them from a
television screen. For these men and women (at least those who
survive), have to stand up in a court of law and, eventually, make a
full confession about a crime they did not commit, or simply mumble
"guilty" a few times. Just how this is managed will be explained in
part two of this series, probably ready about one month from now.
The Most Dangerous Game traces the history of top-secret CIA mind control operation MK-ULTRA: from the covert importation of NAZI scientists at the end of WWII, to the illegal brainwashing experiments conducted on the patients of world famous psychiatric researcher, Dr. Ewen Cameron - cut to the pulsing hypnotica of Mitchell Akiyama. http://www.raven1.net/mk-gall.htm Mind Control & MK-ULTRA by Richard G. Gall On 28 November 1953, a delusional and depressed Dr Frank Olson threw himself out of the tenth floor window of his New York hotel. Olson was a long-serving scientist for the US Army's secretive Chimical Corps Special Operations Division, whose problems began at a meeting 9 days earlier. The meeting had been orchestrated by Sidnet Gottlieb, Head of the CIA's Technical Services Staff. Unknown to those present at the meeting, Gottlieb had aquired a quantity of LSD and secretly wanted to test it. Spiking Olson's drink with the LSD, he passed the bottle around and sat back waiting for results. Olson, an outgoing personality who loved practical jokes, soon began to suffer jarring side effects. One of those present at the meeting, Ben Wilson, later recalled that Olson 'was psychotic'. Gottlieb and his boss, the Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles, initiated a 20-year cover-up of the circumstances surrounding Olson's death. At stake was the CIA's super secret project, MK-ULTRA. The project had grown out of an earlier secret programme, known as Bluebird, that was officially formed to counter Soviet advances in brainwashing. In reality the CIA had other objectives. An earlier aim was to study methods 'through which control of an individual may be attained'. The emphasis of experimentation was 'narco-hypnosis', the blending of mind altering drugs with careful hypnotic programming. Ever evolving, project Bluebird was later renamed Project Artichoke, after a vegetable that Dulles was particularly fond of. Artichoke was an 'offensive' programme of mind control that gathered together the intelligence divisions of the Army, Navy, Air Farce and FBI. The scope of the project was outlined in a memorandum dated January 1952 that ominously asked: "Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature such as self preservation?" The race was on to create a programmable assassin! A crack CIA team was formed that could travel, at a moments notice, to anywhere in the world. Their task was to test the new interrogation techniques, and ensure that victims would not remember being interrogated and programmed. All manner of narcotics, from marijuana to LSD, heroin and sodium pentathol (the so called 'truth drug') were regularly used. Despite poor initial results, CIA-sponsored mind control programmes flourished. On 13 April 1953, the super-secret project MK-ULTRA was born. Its scope was broader than ever before, and only those in the top echelon of the CIA were privy to it. Official CIA documents describe MK-ULTRA as an 'umbrella project' with 149 'sub-projects'. Many of these sub-projects dealt with testing illegal drugs for potential field use. Others dealt with electronics. One explored the possibility of ACTIVATING 'the human organism BY REMOTE CONTROL'. Throughout, it remained a major goal to brainwash individuals to become couriers and spies without their knowledge. When it was formed in 1947, the CIA was forbidden to have any domestic police or internal security powers. In short, it was authorized only to operate 'overseas'. From the very start MK-ULTRA staff broke this Congressional stipulation and began testing on unwitting US citizens. Precisely how extensive illegal testing became will never be known. Richard Helms, CIA Director and chief architect of the programme, ordered the destruction of all MK-ULTRA records shortly before leaving office in 1973. Despite these precautions some documents were misfiled and came to light in the late 1970's. They laid bare the spy agency's cynicism. One particularly odious project was run by Dr Harris Isabel, Director of the Public Service Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky - a facility specializing in drug abuse. Asked by the CIA to discover a range of 'synthetic' drugs, Isabel began experimenting on captive black inmates. Anxious to please his CIA bosses he daily fed his guinea pigs large doses of LSD, mescaline, marijuana, scopolamine and other substances. In exchange for participating in the experiments, the inmates received injections fo high quality morphine, sometimes getting 'shot-up' three times a day, depending on their co-operation. Brought before the Senate subcommittees in 1975, Isabel saw no contradiction in providing hard drugs to the very addicts he was employed to cure. Following public outrage, the CIA announced it had ceased its mind manipulation programmes. Victor Marchetti, a CIA veteran of 14 years who turned 'whistle-blower', exposed this to be untrue. In 1977, Marchetti said the CIA claims to have ceased were a cover story. Under scrutiny, the agency were quick to downplay the success of MK-ULTRA - claiming no real advances were achieved. Miles Copeland, another long-serving CIA officer disputed this. Speaking to a reporter, Copeland revealed that 'the congressional subcommittee which went into this sort of thing only got the barest glimpse'. Another source within the intelligence community says that after 1963, CIA efforts increasingly focused on psychoelectronics. Narcohypnosis had been drained dry. Dr Jose Delgado, a neurophsiologist at Yale University School, was especially interested in Electronic Stimulation of the Brain. By implanting a small probe into the brain, Delgado discovered that he could wield enormous power over his subject. Using a device he called the 'stimoceiver' which operated by FM radio waves, he was able to ELECTRICALLY ORCHESTRATE a wide range of human EMOTIONS. These included rage, lust and fatigue Artichoke Project Bluebird Project Pandora Project Mk-Delta Project Mk-Naomi Project Mk-Action Project Mk-Search Project Mk-Ultra Project During 1966, Delgado announced that his findings supported 'the distasteful conclusion that motion, emotion and behaviour can be directed by electrical forces'. He added that 'HUMANS CAN BE CONTROLLED LIKE ROBOTS BY PUSH BUTTONS'. Funded by the Office of Naval Research, Delgado looked forward to a future when society could be 'psychocivilised'. Despite the miniturization of implants, the next major advance forward was microwaves. By placing a volunteer (???) in an electromagnetic field, Dr Ross Adey of the University of California, made a startling discovery. Using specific radio waves, Adey was able to influence his subjects' brainwaves. Another scientist, Allen Frey, took this research a step further. Frey found he could remotely induce sleep in his subjects by subjecting them to electromagnetic waves. He also learned he could produce acoustic noises - booming, buzzing and hissing, directly inside a volunteer's (????) head. Developing on Frey's earlier work, Joseph Sharp, a doctor at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, was able to TRANSMIT SPOKEN WORDS VIA PULSED MICROWAVES. Sitting inside an electromagnetic field, Sharp clearly heard and understood words transmitted to him by a colleague. For the medical profession this was a major breakthrough, and would be of immense benefit to the deaf. [Could the buzzing and hissing got anything to do with what people hear in the USA with regard to the HAARP project? Lots of people told me that they were hearing humming sounds both inside and outside their homes. We know that HAARP uses EM waves, but still don't know for FACT what HAARP is capable of - Jeroen] However, the US military and intelligence community were quick to capitalize on these new discoveries. Secret research programmes on electromagnetics have never been made available under the Freedom of Information Act. In 1974, J. F. Scapitz, a scientist funded by the Department of Defense, had a chilling vision. He sought to combine earlier MK-ULTRA hypnosis studies with emerging microwave technologies. In an outline to the DoD, Scapitz said "It will be shown the spoken word of the hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the brain". He claimed this could be achieved without employing any technical devices for 'receiving or transcoding messages'. For the first time, US agents had the ability THE ABILITY TO REMOTELY TAMPER WITH AN INDIVIDUAL'S MIND. Scapitz went even further, claiming that this could be achieved BE ACHIEVED WITHOUT THE TARGET even becoming AWARE OF WHAT WAS HAPPENING. Since then, little public information has been revealed in scientific literature, following the imposition of the strict security classification. Despite this, significant pieces of information - more usually from non-US sources - continue to be published. What is available paints a bleak picture. Evidence exists that mind-control and behavious modification technology is presently concealed behind Non Lethal Defense (NLD) initiatives. An announcement in 1995 that non-leathal weapons - including high powered microwaves and radio frequency devices - are to be 'transited' to the law enforcement sector was met with dismay in some quarters. This joint programme, known as 'Operations Other Than War', opens the way for the military to move into the civilian domain - a move precluded by the American constitution. The stated aim is to more effectively tackle narcotics trafficking, terrorism and other criminal activity. Many citizens consider this to be a lame excuse. They fear of widespread use of mind-altering technologies, and believe democracy is under serious assault. In the light of past government evilness and abuse, who could blame them??? Richard Gall, Scotland